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Magnetic First-Order Phase Transition in Single-Crystal MnAs

R. W. De Blois and D. S. Rodbell
Phys. Rev. 130, 1347 – Published 15 May 1963


This paper describes an experimental and theoretical examination of a 10-μg c-axis-oriented single crystal of MnAs. The critical magnetic field for the first-order transition to the ferromagnetic phase has been measured as a function of temperature (15 to 65°C) and pressure (0 to 1000 bars gauge), using miniature-coil pulsed fields to 110 kOe. Data analysis substantiates the thesis of the recent Bean-Rodbell theory on magnetic first-order phase transitions that the transition in MnAs near 45°C is between ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases and arises from a sufficiently sensitive dependence of exchange energy on lattice strain and a sufficiently high compressibility. The match between theory and experiment yields a compressibility K of 4.55×1012 dyn1 cm2, a lattice thermal expansion coefficient α of 5.71×105/°C, an apparent paramagnetic Curie temperature T0 of 277.1°K, and a Curie-temperature dependence on volume strain, β[(dTcT0)(dVV0)1], of 18.9, where T0 is the Curie temperature of the unstrained specimen at 0°K. Discrepancies in the match suggest a primary need to include short-range order in the theory. Auxiliary experiments show the magnetocrystalline anisotropy sum, K1+2K2+3K3, to be about -7.6 and -12.0×106 ergs/cm3 at 299 and 77°K, respectively.
  • Received 8 January 1963
©1963 American Physical Society

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