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A theoretical and experimental study of magnetism in Gd2In

 1Department of Solid State Physics, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032, India

We present detailed theoretical calculations and careful experiments to elucidate the magnetic properties of Gd2In. Our calculations suggest that Gd2In is a rather unique system where both localized 4f electrons as well as itinerant 5d electrons all originating from Gd are responsible for its novel magnetic properties with hardly any role of In s, p electrons. A careful analysis of the magnetization and magnetoresistance data as a function of field revealed that the magnetic behavior of Gd2In may be divided into three distinct regions. We argue with the aid of first principles electronic structure calculations that these three regions originate due to the different response of the localized 4f and itinerant 5d electrons of Gd upon application of the magnetic field. We show that in addition to the Gd 4f electrons, the Gd 5d electrons are also important for the metamagnetic behavior of Gd2In. These results establish the important role of Gd 5d electrons in the magnetic properties of Gd2In that so far only remained a speculation.

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