Collapse of ferromagnetism in itinerant-electron system: A magnetic, transport properties, and high pressure study of (Hf,Ta)Fe2 compounds
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Inst NEEL, F-38042 Grenoble, France
- a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail:
The magnetism and
transport properties were studied for Laves (Hf,Ta)Fe2 itinerant-electron compounds, which exhibit
a temperature-induced first-order transition from
the ferromagnetic (FM) to the antiferromagnetic (AFM) state
upon heating. At finite temperatures, the
field-induced metamagnetic phase transition between
the AFM and FM has considerable effects on the transport
properties of these model metamagnetic compounds. A large
negative magnetoresistance of about 14% is observed in accordance
with the metamagnetic transition. The magnetic phase diagram is
determined for the Laves Hf1−xTaxFe2 series
and its Ta concentration dependence discussed. An unusual behavior is
revealed in the paramagnetic state of intermediate compositions, it gives rise
to the rapid increase and saturation of the local spin fluctuations of the 3d electrons.
This new result is analysed in the frame of the theory of Moriya. For a chosen
composition Hf0.825Ta0.175Fe2, exhibiting such remarkable features,
a detailed investigation is carried out under hydrostatic pressure up to 1 GPa
in order to investigate the volume effect on the magnetic properties. With
increasing pressure, the magnetic transition temperature TFM-AFM from ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic order
decreases strongly non-linearly and disappears at a critical pressure of
0.75 GPa. In the pressure-induced AFM state, the field-induced
first-order AFM-FM transition appears and the
complex temperature dependence of the AFM-FM transition field
is explained by the contribution from both the magnetic and elastic energies
caused by the significant temperature variation of the amplitude of
the local Fe magnetic moment. The application of an external pressure leads
also to the progressive decrease of the Néel temperature TN. In addition, a large pressure effect on the
spontaneous magnetization MS for pressures below 0.45 GPa, dln(Ms)/dP = −6.3 × 10−2 GPa−1 was discovered. The presented
results are consistent with Moriya's theoretical predictions and can
significantly help to better understand the underlying physics of itinerant
electron magnetic systems nowadays widely investigated for both fundamental and
applications purposes.
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