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Ferromagnetism in iron, cobalt, nickel and their alloys

Department of Applied Physics, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464, Japan
Available online 9 October 2002.


A simple formulation of the Stoner model is explained. The dependence on the magnetization of a molecular field coefficient is assumed so as to fit the observed temperature variations of the magnetization for Ni, Co and Fe. Previous and new numerical results on the temperature dependences of the paramagnetic susceptibility and electronic specific heat and the temperature and magnetic field dependences of the high-field spin susceptibility obtained for Ni, Co and Fe and some alloys in the Stoner model are reviewed. The calculated results on the high-field spin susceptibility for Fe alloys and Ni-Cu alloys in the rigid band model and in the coherent potential approximation are also shown. A new estimation of the magnetic energy for Ni and Fe is compared with the values of kBTC. A strong dependence on the magnetization of the molecular field coefficient assumed for Fe and Co is discussed.


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