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First-principles study of the magnetic stability and the exchange couplings of LaMn2O5


Using first principles calculations, the electronic and magnetic properties of the multiferroic
LaMn2O5 have been studied. In particular, we have studied the magnetic stability of this material
not only in ab-plane but also along c direction. Beside this, the exchange couplings between
manganese ions have been calculated using Heisenberg model by including only the nearest
neighbour interactions. It is shown that the stable magnetic order of LaMn2O5 is of
antiferromagnetic type, which is in good agreement with the experiments. In order to show the
effect of the temperature on the properties of our compound we have carried out this study using
two crystal structures: the higher symmetric one (space group Pbam) that reported
experimentally at T(98.8 k) and the lower symmetric one (space group Pmc21) that obtained
from the relaxation, in our calculations, at T¼0K starting from the stable magnetic order.This
structure deformation at T¼0 can be related to the exchange coupling striction. The density of
states show an insulating behavior in the antiferromagnetic state of LaMn2O5 at Fermi level and
there is a small band gap, confirming the experimental fact that LaMn2O5 is an insulator. We
have found that the nature of the mechanism of these magnetic exchange coupling is an indirect

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