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Interface magnetism of 3d transition metals

A. M. N. Niklasson and B. Johansson

Condensed Matter Theory Group, Physics Department, Uppsala University, S-75121 Uppsala, Sweden

H. L. Skriver

Center for Atomic-scale Materials Physics and Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark


The layered resolved magnetic spin moments of the magnetic 3d bilayer interfaces Fe/V bcc, Fe/Co bcc, Fe/Cu bcc, Co/V bcc, Co/Ni fcc, Co/Cu fcc, Ni/V fcc, Ni/Cr fcc, Ni/Cu fcc and the magnetic surfaces Fe bcc, Co bcc, Co fcc, and Ni fcc are calculated for the ~001!, ~011!, and ~111! orientations by means of a firstprinciples Green’s function method. It is shown how the magnetic profiles around the bilayer interfaces and surfaces directly can be used to predict the magnetization of more complex systems such as magnetic multilayers and clusters. Furthermore, it is shown how the magnetic interface moments can be estimated from data of the corresponding binary bulk alloys. The behavior of interface magnetism can thus be traced back to the understanding of magnetism in bulk alloys.


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