Magnetism and Local Molecular Field ( Nobel Price Lecture )
Science 03 Dec 1971:
Despite its somewhat naive simplicity, the method of the
local molecular field has had undeniable success in satisfactorily
explaining a large number of previously known facts and in opening the
way for the discovery of new facts. Let us note, however, that all the
structures that have been discussed above are collinear structures: on
the average (in time) all the atomic magnets pointing in one or the
opposite direction are parallel to a single direction. However, the
local molecular field method can also be extended to noncollinear
structures such as that of helimagnetism, which Yoshimori and Villain
discovered independently in an absolutely unexpected manner; one can
thus interpret phenomena in a remarkably simple and concrete manner.
Nevertheless, the method can hardly be recommended for more complex
structures such as the umbrella structure, which requires the
decomposition of the principal crystal lattice into a large number of
sublattices. Indeed, under these conditions an atom belonging to a given
sublattice has only a very small number of neighbors (one or two) in
each of the other sublattices, and the molecular field method, which
consists in replacing the instantaneous action of an atom by that of an
average atom, will be more likely to yield a correct result, the larger
the number of atoms to which it is applied. Its correctness probably
also increases as the atomic spin becomes larger. Independently of this
problem, the method applied to a large number of sublattices completely
loses its chief advantage, simplicity. The method also involves more
insidious traps. If a judicious choice of parameters is made, the method
can lead one to calculate curves and thermal variations of the
spontaneous magnetization or paramagnetic susceptibility that coincide
remarkably well with the experimental results, for example, to within a
few thousandths. Under these conditions, one could expect that the
elementary interaction energies deduced from these parameters would
correspond to the actual values with the same accuracy. This is not so;
errors of 10 to 20 percent and even greater are frequently made in this
manner. A certain amount of caution thus becomes imperative.
On the other hand, recourse to the local molecular field seems
indispensable since more rigorous methods lead to insurmountable
complications. Consider for example that the rigorous solution is not
yet known for the simplest case, that of a simple cubic lattice with
identical atoms of spin 1/2, and interactions reduced to those present
between nearest-neighbor atoms. How then should one treat the case of
garnets with 160 atoms in the unit cell, spins up to 5/2, and at least
six different coupling constants? One must therefore be lenient toward
the imperfections of the molecular field methods, considering the
simplicity with which the successes recalled in the first few lines of
these conclusions were obtained.
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