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Antiferromagnetic Spintronics


 Antiferromagnetic spintronics

V. Baltz, A. Manchon, M. Tsoi, T. Moriyama, T. Ono, Y. Tserkovnyak

Antiferromagnetic spintronics

T. Jungwirth Institute of Physics ASCR, v.v.i., Cukrovarnická 10, 162 53 Praha 6, Czech Republic School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom 


The multiple directions of antiferromagnetic spintronics



Antiferromagnetic materials could represent the future of spintronics thanks to the interesting features they combine: they are robust against perturbation due to magnetic fields, produce no stray fields, display ultrafast dynamics and generate large magneto-transport effects. In this team, research efforts are being invested in unraveling spin-dependent transport specifities of antiferromagnets.

 The future for antiferromagnetic memories

Concepts of antiferromagnetic spintronics 

 Review on spintronics: Principles and device applications

 Concepts of antiferromagnetic spintronics

 Antiferromagnetic spintronics is an emerging research field whose focus is on the electrical and optical control of the antiferromagnetic order parameter and its utility in information technology devices. An example of recently discovered new concepts is the N\'{e}el spin-orbit torque which allows for the antiferromagnetic order parameter to be controlled by an electrical current in common microelectronic circuits... read more


Workshop on Antiferromagnetic Spintronics

 Antiferromagnetic Spintronics

 Antiferromagnetic spintronics is a new rapidly developing field whose focus is the manipulation of antiferromagnets with electrical current. Antiferromagnets are promising materials for spintronic applications as they are fast, nonvolatile, and robust with respect to external fields. They can be manipulated by spin and charge currents. Their complex structures, strong magnetoelastic coupling, and compatibility with technologically important semiconductors make antiferromagnets interesting materials and open a way for new functionalities in comparison with ferromagnetic materials.

Concepts of antiferromagnetic spintronics

 O. Gomonay,1, 2T. Jungwirth,3, 4and J. Sinova1, 3

 Perspectives of antiferromagnetic spintronics

 Matthias B.JungfleischaWeiZhangabAxelHoffmanna

 Epitaxial strain controlled magnetocrystalline anisotropy in ultrathin FeRh/MgO bilayers

 Guohui Zheng,

 Effect of epitaxial strain and lattice mismatch on magnetic and transport behaviorsin metamagnetic FeRh thin films 

Yali Xie, Qingfeng Zhan, Tian Shang, Huali Yang, Baomin Wang, Jin Tang, and Run-Wei Li






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