- Magnetic and Electronic Materials Research Laboratory, Hitachi Metals Ltd., 5200 Mikajiri, Kumagaya, Saitama 360, Japan
Received 24 June 1997, Revised 28 October 1997, Available online 29 December 1998.
and magnetic structures of CuAu-type MnNi and MnGa have been studied by
LMTO-ASA including the spin–orbit interaction in the frame of the LSD.
In MnNi, the anti-parallel arrangement of the Mn moments lowers the
electronic energy by forming a pseudo-gap in the energy bands. The Mn
moment lies in the c-plane with a value of 3.29 μB. The magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant, Ku is found to be −9.7×105 J/m3.
In MnGa, the hybridization between the Mn d electrons and the
delocalized Ga p electrons promotes an itineracy of the Mn d electrons.
This reduces the Mn moment to 2.51 μB but aligns the moments ferromagnetically along the c-axis with Ku of 2.6×106 J/m3. Based on these two results, we have discussed the condition of metallic ferromagnetism of the Mn alloys.
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