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First-principles study of the exchange interactions and Curie temperature in Heusler alloys ( Dissertation )


This work contains the theoretical investigations of the exchange interactions and Curie temperature in various Heusler alloys. The calculations are performed within the parameter-free density-functional theory with the state-of-the-art ASW-method. The calculation of the exchange parameters is based on the frozen-magnon approach. The Curie temperature is estimated within mean-field (MF) and random-phase-approximation (RPA) approaches. The obtained results are divided in three parts. In the first part, a systematic study of the intra-sublattice and inter-sublattice exchange interactions as well as Curie temperatures for experimentally well-established Heusler alloys is presented. We focused on the microscopical mechanisms of the formation of the long range magnetic order. For Ni-based compounds Ni2MnZ (Z = Ga, In, Sn, Sb) we obtain a strong dependence of the exchange interactions on the Z constituent (sp-atom) despite the closeness of calculated and experimental Curie temperatures of all four compounds. The role of the sp-electrons in mediating exchange interactions between Mn atoms is further revealed by studying non-stoichiometric compositions of Pd- and Cu-based semi and full Heusler alloys. We found that an important factor strongly influencing the electronic properties of the Heusler alloys is the spin polarization of the sp-electrons. We obtained a clear relationship between the strength of the exchange interaction and the sp-electron spin polarization. In all considered systems the Mn-Mn exchange interaction is long-ranged and shows RKKY-type oscillations.
In the second part, a detailed study of magnetism of half-metallic Heusler compounds promising for magneto-electronics applications is presented. We study both ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic compounds. The role of the inter-sublattice exchange interactions in formation of the very high Curie temperature is revealed. We investigate the effect of the half-metallic gap on the stability of exchange interactions and Curie temperature. We study spin wave spectra and temperature dependence of the magnetization employing multi-sublattice Green function technique within Tyablikov decoupling scheme. We predicted new semi Heusler compounds with very high TC values.
In the last part, we study the pressure dependence of electronic structure, exchange interactions, and Curie temperature in the ferromagnetic Heusler alloy Ni2MnSn. In agreement with the experiment we obtain an increase of Curie temperature from 362 K at ambient pressure to 396 K at 12 GPa. Extending the variation of the lattice parameter beyond the range studied experimentally, we obtained non-monotonic pressure dependence of the Curie temperature and metamagnetic transition. We relate the theoretical dependence of TC on the lattice constant to the corresponding dependence predicted by the empirical interaction curve. The Mn-Ni atomic interchange observed experimentally is simulated to study its influence on the Curie temperature.

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Front page, List of publications, Contents, Abstract (3, i-vi)
Introduction (1-3)
Part I Methods and Materials
1 Density Functional Theory of Magnetic Systems (4-15)
2 First-Principles Calculation of Exchange Interactions (16-24)
3 Magnetism at Finite Temperatures (25-32)
4 Heusler Alloys: Experimental and Theoretical Background (33-45)
Part II Results of Calculations
5 Exchange Mechanisms in Heusler Alloys (46-63)
6 Magnetism of Half-Metallic Heusler Compounds (64-84)
7 Effect of Pressure on Magnetic Properties of Heusler Alloys (85-94)
8 Summary and Conclusions (95-96)
Zusammenfassung (97-98)
Bibliography (99-105)

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