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1 Introduction
2 Macroscopic Electrodynamics
3 Magnetism of Atoms and Free Electrons
3.1 Total Angular Momentum of Atoms
3.2 General derivation of atomic susceptibilities
3.2.1 ∆ELL: Larmor/Langevin Diamagnetism  
3.2.2 ∆EVV: Van Vleck Paramagnetism
 3.2.3 ∆EPara:Paramagnetism
 3.2.4 Paramagnetic Susceptibility: Curie’s Law
 3.3 Susceptibility of the Free Electron Gas
 3.4 Atomic magnetism in solids
4 Magnetic Order: Permanent Magnets
4.1 Ferro-, Antiferro- and Ferrimagnetism
4.2 Interaction versus Thermal Disorder: Curie-Weiss Law
4.3 Phenomenological Theories of Ferromagnetism
4.3.1 Molecular (mean) field theory
 4.3.2 Heisenberg and Ising Hamiltonian
4.4 Microscopic origin of magnetic interaction
 4.4.1 Exchange interaction between two localized moments
 4.4.2 From the Schrödinger equation to the Heisenberg Hamiltonian
 4.4.3 Exchange interaction in the homogeneous electron gas
4.5 Band consideration of ferromagnetism
 4.5.1 Stoner model of itinerant ferromagnetism
5 Magnetic domain structure


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